Thursday 25 June 2015


Total number of keywords in the current version is 48.
The latest keyword is enum.
JDK: JAVA Development kit.
JRK: JAVA runtime environment
JIT: JAVA intime compiler
any language that supports primitive data type (not exactly objects) is called primitive object oriented.
It doesn't support multiple inheritance directly with the help of class.
Since it doesn't support overloading, it is partial object oriented.
Why do we choose JAVA language?
1. Open source: whose source code is open for the user.
     Closed source: (Microsoft) source code can be accessed by the corporation.
2. Platform independent: platform independent means that the program which can run in different platforms.
Example: Linux, windows.
Stage after compilation where the application of generated after the compilation, and can be run in different operating systems.
If a language supports platform independent application, the language is called platform independent programming language.
An application executable in any environment is called platform independent application.
3. Automatic memory management (jvm software)
Example: for malloc we use free to deallocate the memory.
Memory allocation and deallocation is done by the software itself.
4. Garbage collection: it collects the garbage values and gives some default values or error message to the user.
5. Object oriented: JAVA is nearly pure object oriented. Though it doesn't support all the feature of oops , but supports maximum of them.
There is reusability, that's why object oriented.
6. Portability: JAVA is portable. It is developed in an environment such that it can be portable to another environment.
7. Direct support distributed application: JAVA is multi-threaded.
8. Simple,: 80,000 predefined classes are present.
9. Multi threaded.
10. Secure.
11. Exception handling
12. Robust

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